ISO e-learning course

In order to train its members, especially from developing countries and by supporting their participation in international standardization, ISO, in cooperation with DIN (German Institute for Standardization) and JISC (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee) has launched the training project through Internet named: ISO e-learning course. The course is divided into three separate and independent modules: Module 1, Assessing Priorities for Standardization,  Module 2, Managing participation in International standardization and Module 3, Managing National Adoption and Implementation of International Standardization. Three employees of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina Biljana Balaj, Jasmina Ljubunčić and Tihomir Anđelić have successfully completed all three modules and thus completed e-learning training cycle. By doing so they gained the title of ISO Expert for International Standardization Management and become part of a group of thirteen people from all ISO members worldwide who have earned that title, and among the five people in the region (ISO/DEVCO Central and Eastern Europe), including two HZN representatives, who have already gained it.


The objectives of e-learning courses are to train or improve trainees in the area of determining national priorities in standardization, communication with stakeholders, preparation of plans and work programs, to improve themselves in daily operations related to the work of technical committees at national and international level, in documentation and information management, to become familiar with the guidelines and guides of international standardization and possible issues that arises in the process of adopting standards, as well as in solving the emerging problems.


All modules are based on the principle "learning by doing"


Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue to train its staff through the ISO e-learning course modules, and thus raise their quality and level of knowledge.