„Hands-on Training Eurocodes National Annexes“

Organized by IPA project „IPA 2011 Quality Infrastructure in the Western Balkans and Turkey“, from 20 to 22 February 2013 in Berlin, a practical workshop named „National Annexes to Eurocodes“ was held and was hosted by German Standards Institute (DIN). Representatives from the West Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia attended the workshop. Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Mirela Kovacevic from the Institute of protection, ecology and informatics and Nihada Kulenovic from the Institute for standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Participants visited state Ministry of transport, building and urban development (BMWVBS). Mr. Alexander Duernagel represented the work of Ministry and its internal organization and Dr. Bernard Schneider held a presentation on Construction Products Directive (89/106) and new Construction Products Regulation that shall enter into force from 1 July 2013 in all EU Member states. Participants briefly represented the state of this area in their own countries i.e. stage of the adoption of Eurocodes , activities related to translations of Eurocodes as well as development of national annexes (NA). They also visited “German Institute for Structural Engineering” (DIBt). DIBt’s president Mr. Gerhard Breitschaft presented the work of the Institute, its internal organization as well as obligations toward stakeholders. On the third and last day of the workshop presentations regarding practical application of Eurocodes were held. Prof. Jaeger presented implementation of Eurocodes in Germany on few practical examples. This international workshop was rated as very good. Regional communication and cooperation with other participants has been achived and exchange of experience will help in preparation and development of national annexes for Eurocodes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.