CEN CENELEC Annual conference

This year in Copenhagen, Denmark from 18 to 20 June, at the Hotel Scandic Copenhagen, the annual meeting of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) was held.  2nd European Standardization Summit was held on 19 June and on 20 June 1st joint session of the General Assemblies of CEN and CENELEC, 39th CEN Annual Assembly and 53rd CENELEC Annual Assembly. Danish Standards (Dansk Standard - DS) hosted this three-day gathering.

At this international event Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Mr. Aleksndar Cincar, director of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Tihomir Andjelic, head of department for standardization in the field of ISO/CEN.

On the second day of the three-day meeting, 2nd European Standardization Summit was held and was attended by more than 220 delegates from 49 countries, including representatives from national, European and international standards organizations, business and industry, European Commission, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), government and public authorities as well as societal stakeholders, consumer and environmental organizations.

The Summit was opened by Mrs. Anne Håslöv Stæhr, CEO of the Danish Standards, and a welcoming speech was given by Mr. Jesper Jerlang, director of standardization at the Danish Standards.

In her opening address, Mrs. Annette Wilhelmsen, the Danish Minister of Business and Growth, emphasized the importance of standards for productivity and sustainable development, allowing stakeholders access to new knowledge and single market.

Theme of this year's European Standardization Summit was “Improving the standard of services - the road ahead for European standardization”. In recent years, the services sector is becoming increasingly important both economically and socially. Services now account for about 70% of economic activity and employment in Europe. The goal of creating a single market for services is set out in the “Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union”, protecting the principle of free movement of people, goods, services and capital. The Services Directive (2006/123/EC) recognizes the need for European standards in order to facilitate compatibility supplied by different providers, as well as information to recipients and the qualityof service provision.

After two panel discussions on “The case of service standardization” and “Towards standardization strategy for services” and presentations given by ten participants it was concluded that the importance of the service sector in the economy of the EU is extremely important, as well as the standards of service, added value, communication, how to transfer experience to customers, a pro-active approach and a legal framework for standards of services in the EU.

1st joint session of the General Assemblies of CEN and CENELEC was held on the third day of the conference.
The session was opened by the President of CEN, Mr. Friedrich Smaxwill and President of CENELEC, Mr. Tore Trondvold. Over 190 delegates from 49 countries attended the session.

At this year's meeting two topics were discussed: “CEN and CENELEC’s ambitions for 2020” and “The criteria for membership and the accession process in CEN and CENELEC”.

Third edition of CEN/CENELEC Guide 20  “The criteria for membership in CEN and CENELEC” and CEN/CENELEC Guide 22 “Organizational structure and processes for the assessment of the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC” was adopted. At this session fourteen resolutions were also adopted.

The next joint meeting of CEN and CENELEC will be held from 10 to 13 June 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Also on the third day of the conference, 39th General Assembly of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) was held. The session was opened by the president of CEN, Mr. Friedrich Smaxwill. The work of the General Assembly was short (hour and a half) and was conducted according to the agenda. In accordance with previously prepared documents, a series of statutory, administrative and financial decisions within the scope of responsibilities of the General Assembly, necessary for CEN further action and development were made. Director of CCMC, Mrs. Elena Santiago Cid, submitted a detailed report on the activities and achievements in the past period.

Former president of CEN, Mr. Friedrich Smaxwill, was appointed as the president of CEN for 2015-2016. After deliberation, a new statute of CEN that is compliant with the Belgian legislation was adopted as well as a new edition of the CEN/CENELEC Internal Rules - Part 1: Organization and Structure. CEN adopted the budget for 2014. At the end of the 39 CEN General Assembly 15 resolutions were adopted.

On the third day, 53 General Assembly of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) was held. The meeting was opened by the president of CENELEC, Mr. Tore Trondvold. The work of the General Assembly was conducted according to the agenda. In accordance with a previously prepared documents, a series of statutory, administrative and financial decisions were made within the scope of responsibilities of the General Assembly necessary for further CENELEC's work and development. Also, according to this, new members of the CENELEC governing body for 2014-2015 were elected, as well as the vice presidents of finance and technical issues for the same period. CENELEC budget for 2014 was also adopted.