Digitization of BiH society

From 18 to 20 March 2019, a Conference “Digitalization of BiH Society” was held in Sarajevo.


The aim of the Conference is to make a cross-section of the situation in BiH regarding the digitization and exploitation of the BiH ICT industry, and initiate activities that will trigger changes in society. The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina recognized the importance of this topic and the representatives of the Institute took an active part in the work of the Conference.


The opening ceremony and plenary panel were held at the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Representatives of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Delegation of the European Union to BiH, UNDP and the embassies of Switzerland, Slovenia and Croatia addressed the participants. On behalf of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Director of the Institute, Aleksandar Cincar, addressed the participants.


On the second day of the Conference, representatives of the Institute for Standardization of BiH, Aleksandar Cincar, Director and Zvjezdan Šehovac, Head of the IEC/ITU/CENELEC/ETSI standardization division, held a presentation “The Role of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of digitization in BiH”, and within the Research and Development Panel Horizont 2024 a technical committee BAS/TC 1 and standards in the field of information technologies has been presented.


The Conference was jointly organized by the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the company GlobalGPS BH d.o.o. According to the announcements of the organizers, the next Conference “Digitalization of BiH Society” will be held in January 2020 and on that occasion the first official calculations on the state of the nation after the launch of the Information Society Development Program will be presented.