Fourth Balkan Standardization Conference

The Croatian Standards Institute hosted the lV Balkan Standardization Conference from 21 to 23 October 2015. The conference was attended by the representatives of national standards bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Kosovo and the host, Croatia. European standardization organizations was represented by Mr. Tore Bloch Trondvold, CENELEC President and Chairman Presidential Committee 2015. Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, director of the Institute for standardization of BiH and Mr. Borislav Kraljević, deputy director. During the opening ceremony, the participants were addressed by the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Alen Leverić.

Participants in this year's Balkan Standardization Conference signed a Collaboration Protocol in accordance with the conclusions of last year's conference in Tivat. The Protocol is promoting efficient cooperation on standardization, an easier joint approach to solving related or common problems and facilitating placement of technical products on the market or in use, as well as the providing  services between internal markets of signatory countries.


During the three-day Balkan Conference held under the working title “Electronic tools and services for communications between all parties involved in national standardization” participants exchanged experiences, information and new ideas within panel discussions in the area of ​​products and services of national standardization bodies including the repositories, tools for commenting draft standards, SME toolboxes, password-protected areas for TC members, webshops, databases, catalogues, copyright issues, etc.