61 ETSI General Assembly

From 19 to 20 March 2013, in Mandelieu, France, 61st ETSI General Assembly was held and was also attended by the representatives of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Aleksandar Cincar and Mirjana Sucur). The Institute is a full member of ETSI from 1997.
Organizational structure of ETSI is composed of General Assembly (GA), Board, Technical Bodies and Secretariat. General Assembly is the highest body of the Institute and is composed of all the ETSI members with certain voting rights. GA  is determining general policy of ETSI, making decisions on management and strategy, defining its standardization policies including IPR policy (Intellectual Property Right) and technical working procedures.
Assembly discussed and adopted the following:

  • Report of the Assembly's Director-General
  • Report on budget execution for 2012
  • Annual report for 2012
  • Budget for 2014
  • ETSI Secretariat business plan
  • Report from IPR, Ad hoc Group (GAGS) and other issues and reports within its competence

The auditor report was also presented and certificates to a newly elected members and aknowledgements to a retired members was awarded.
Within 61 General Assembly, ETSI also celebrated 25 years of existence and successful development of standards for European and international market.