12th Annual Meeting of CEN and CENELEC

From 7 to 8 June 2016, in the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje,  12th  annual meeting of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) was held. The meeting was hosted by the Institute for Standardization of the Republic of Macedonia (ISRM).


The event was attended by over 170 delegates, including representatives of national, European and international standards organizations, as well as representatives of the Macedonian Government and the European Commission. The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Goran Tešanović, Assistant Director of conformity assessment, Enes Jakić, Assistant Director of Information and Documentation Department, and Aleksandra Milidrag, technical secretary.




On the first day of Conference, separate meetings of the administrative committee of CEN and CENELEC and a joint meeting of both boards were held. On the second day, separate General Assemblies of CEN and CENELEC, and a joint assembly of both organizations were held. New decisions were made on how to improve the standardization work. A number of resolutions were adopted and regular annual election of representatives of the working bodies of these organizations has been carried out. Parliament was also addressed by the representatives of the European Commission, EFTA, ETSI, IEC and ISO.


The next annual meeting of CEN and CENELEC will be held in 2017 in Edinburgh, Scotland.