Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldNon-metallic materials
Technical committeeBAS/TC 11- Petroleum and petroleum products
Term (EN)fractionating column
Definition (EN)apparatus in which fractionation is carried out, consisting of a vertical cylindrical metal vessel, containing equipment for the proper contacting of flashed liquid and vapour NOTE Heat is often supplied at the bottom of the column in a reboiler, whereas heat is withdrawn at the top in a condenser. Heat can also be supplied or withdrawn at intermediate heights of the column, if beneficial for the process (interheaters or intercoolers). The oil to be fractionated is fed into the column in one or more predetermined locations along the height of the column. The contacting equipment is formed by fractionating trays in the oil and chemical industries in general, while, for special chemical applications, packing material is used.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)frakciona kolona
Definition (BS)aparatura u kojoj se vrši frakcionacija. Sastoji se od vertikalne cilindrične metalne posude koja sadrži opremu za dobar kontakt tekuće i plinske faze NAPOMENA Toplota se najčešće dovodi na dno kolone preko grijača, a oduzima na vrhu u kondenzatoru. Toplota se može dovoditi ili oduzimati na središnjim visinama kolone ukoliko je to od koristi za proces frakcionacije (međugrijači ili međuhladnjaci). Medij koji treba podvrgnuti frakcionaciji dovodi se u kolonu na jednoj ili više unaprijed određenih lokacija duž visine kolone. Opremu za kontakt čine podovi u naftnoj i hemijskoj industriji uopće, dok se za posebne hemijske primjene koristi materijal za punjenje.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS ISO 1998-4:2000