Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldNon-metallic materials
Technical committeeBAS/TC 11- Petroleum and petroleum products
Term (EN)reference conditions
Definition (EN)conditions of use prescribed for testing the performance of a measuring instrument or for intercomparison of results of measurements NOTE The reference conditions generally include reference values or reference ranges for the influence quantities affecting the measuringinstrument.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)referentni uslovi
Definition (BS)uslovi upotrebe, propisani za ispitivanje karakteristika mjernog instrumenta ili za međusobno poređenje rezultata mjerenja NAPOMENA Referentni uslovi obično uključuju referentne vrijednosti ili referentna područja za uticajne veličine koje djeluju na mjerni instrument.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS ISO 1998-6:2002