Standardization field | Non-metallic materials |
Technical committee | BAS/TC 11- Petroleum and petroleum products |
Term (EN) | traceability |
Definition (EN) | property of the result of a measurement or the value
of a standard whereby it can be related to stated
references, usually national or international standards,
through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having
stated uncertainties
NOTE 1 The concept is often expressed by the adjective
NOTE 2 The unbroken chain of comparisons is called a
traceability chain.
NOTE 3 (applicable only to the French text). |
Term (FR) | |
Definition (FR) | |
Term (DE) | |
Definition (DE) | |
Term (BS) | sljedivost |
Definition (BS) | osobina rezultata mjerenja ili vrijednosti etalona po
kojoj se on može dovesti u vezu sa navedenim
referentnim etalonima, obično nacionalnim ili
međunarodnim, putem neprekinutog lanca poređenja
koja imaju utvrđene nesigurnosti
NAPOMENA 1 Pojam se često izražava pridjevom sljediv.
NAPOMENA 2 Neprekinuti lanac poređenja se zove lanac
NAPOMENA 3 (primjenljiva samo na francuski tekst). |
Term (HR) | |
Definition (HR) | |
Term (SR) | |
Definition (SR) | |
Date | 2016-03-02 |
Standards | BAS ISO 1998-6:2002 |