Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldNon-metallic materials
Technical committeeBAS/TC 11- Petroleum and petroleum products
Term (EN)true value
Definition (EN)value consistent with the definition of a given particular quantity NOTE 1 This is a value that would be obtained by a perfect measurement. NOTE 2 True values are by nature indeterminate. NOTE 3 Although VIM recommends the indefinite article “a”, rather than the definite article “the” in conjunction with “true value” because there may be many values consistent with the definition of a given particular quantity, it is widely in use in the petroleum industry to speak of “the true value”.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)prava vrijednost
Definition (BS)vrijednost u skladu sa definicijom pojedine date veličine NAPOMENA 1 To je vrijednost koja bi se dobila savršenim mjerenjem. NAPOMENA 2 Prave vrijednosti su po prirodi neodredive. NAPOMENA 3 Mada VIM, vezano za “pravu vrijednost” preporučuje upotrebu neodređenog člana “a”, radije nego određenog člana “the”, zbog toga što bi moglo postojati mnogo vrijednosti koje su u skladu sa definicijom pojedine date veličine, u naftnoj industriji se široko koristi izraz “the true value”-prava vrijednost.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS ISO 1998-6:2002