Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldElectrical engineering
Technical committeeBAS/TC 10- Electrical energy measurement equipment and load control
Term (EN)meter type (for static meter)
Definition (EN)a particular design of meter, manufactured by one manufacturer, having: a) similar metrological properties; b) the same uniform construction of parts (hardware and software) determining these properties; c) the same ratio of the maximum current to the reference current. The type may have several values of reference current and reference voltage. Meters are designated by the manufacturer by one or more groups of letters or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. Each type has one designation only.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)Tip brojila (za statička brojila)
Definition (BS)Određena izvedba brojila, jednog proizvođača, koja ima: a) slične metrološke karakteristike; b) identičnu konstrukciju elemenata (hardware i software) koji određuju ove karakteristike; c) isti odnos maksimalne struje prema referentnoj struji. Brojila istog tipa mogu imati više različitih vrijednosti referentne struje i referentnog napona. Brojila je proizvođač označio sa jednom ili više grupa slova ili brojeva, ili kombinacijom slova i brojeva. Svaki tip brojila ima samo jednu oznaku.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS EN 50470-1:2011