Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldMechanical engineering
Technical committeeBAS/TC 31- Gas and gas engineering
Term (EN) gross calorific value (Hs)
Definition (EN)The quantity of heat produced by the combustion, at constant pressure, of unit volume or mass of the considered gas, the water produced by the combustion being condensed. It is expressed in megajoules referred either per 1 m3 of dry gas measured at 15 ºC at a pressure of 1 013,25 mbar or to 1 kg of dry gas.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)
Definition (BS)
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR) gornja toplotna vrijednost [gross calorifi c value (Hs )]
Definition (SR)količina toplote proizvedena prilikom sagorijevanja jedinične zapremine ili mase datog gasa, pri konstantnom pritisku, gdje je voda koja se dobija sagorijevanjem u kondenzovanom stanju. Izražava se u megadžulima i odnosi se ili na 1 m3 suvog gasa koji se mjeri na 15 ºC i pri pritisku od 1 013,25 mbar ili na 1 kg suvog gasa
StandardsBAS EN 1596:2012