Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldElectrical engineering
Technical committeeBAS/TC 18- Power transformers, measuring relays and protective equipment
Term (EN)auxiliary circuit
Definition (EN)The whole of the electrical parts within a relay (including those parts, if any, intentionally coupled by inductive or capacitive means) and which are connected to those terminals to which a given auxiliary energizing quantity is applied.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)pomoćni krug
Definition (BS)Skup električnih dijelova unutar releja (uključujući i one dijelove koji su namjerno spojeni induktivno ili kapacitivno) koji su povezani na stezaljke na koje se priključuje data pomoćna energizirajuća veličina.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS IEC 60050-446:2005