Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldBasic standards
Technical committeeBAS/TC 3- Quality management and quality assurance
Term (EN)dated reference (to standards)
Definition (EN)reference to standards that identifi es one or more specifi c standards in such way that later revisions of the standard or standards are not to be applied unless the regulation is modifi ed NOTE The standard is usually identifi ed by its number and either date or edition. The title may also be given.
Term (FR)référence datée (aux normes)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)datierte (starre) Verweisung (auf Normen)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)datirano upućivanje (na standarde)
Definition (BS)upućivanje na standarde kojim se označava jedan ili više određenih standarda, i to tako da se naknadne revizije standarda ne mogu primjenjivati ako se ne promijeni propis. NAPOMENA Standard se obično označava njegovim brojem, te datumom ili brojem izdanja. Može se navesti i naslov.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS EN 45020:2009