Standardization field | Electrical engineering
Technical committee | BAS/TC 15- Electromagnetic compatibility |
Term (EN) | threshold of flicker irritability |
Definition (EN) | The maximum value of a fluctuation of luminance or
of spectral distribution which gives rise to a flicker
tolerated without discomfort by a specified sample
of the population. |
Term (FR) | |
Definition (FR) | |
Term (DE) | |
Definition (DE) | |
Term (BS) | prag razdražljivosti od flikera |
Definition (BS) | Maksimalna vrijednost fluktuacije jačine osvjetljenja
ili spektralne raspodjele koja dovodi do svjetlucanja
koje ne proizvodi neudobnost kod specificiranog
uzorka stanovništva. |
Term (HR) | |
Definition (HR) | |
Term (SR) | |
Definition (SR) | |
Date | 2016-02-01 |
Standards | BAS IEC 60050-161:2015 |