Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldChemicals, chemical engineering, agricultural and food products
Technical committeeBAS/TC 45- Agriculture
Term (EN)test atmosphere
Definition (EN)atmosphere to which a sample or test piece is exposed throughout the test NOTE 1 It is characterized by specified values for one or more of the following parameters: temperature, relative humidity and pressure, which are kept within the prescribed tolerances. NOTE 2 The test may be carried out either in the laboratory or in a special chamber termed "the test chamber", or in the conditioning chamber, the choice depending on the nature of the test piece and on the test itself. For example, close control of the test atmosphere may not be necessary if the change of properties of the test piece is insignificant in the test period. NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 558:1980, definition 2.3.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)atmosfera ispitivanja
Definition (BS)atmosfera kojoj je izložen uzorak ili ispitni komad tokom ispitivanja NAPOMENA 1 Nju karakterišu utvrđene vrijednosti za jedan ili više sljedećih parametara: temperatura, relativna vlažnost i pritisak, koji se održavaju unutar dozvoljenih odstupanja. NAPOMENA 2 Ispitivanje može da se izvrši ili u laboratoriji ili u specijalnoj komori koja se zove „komora za ispitivanje”, ili komora za kondicioniranje; izbor zavisi od prirode ispitnog komada i od samog ispitivanja. Na primjer, striktna kontrola atmosfere ispitivanja nije neophodna ako su promjene svojstava ispitnog komada u periodu ispitivanja beznačajne. NAPOMENA 3 Prerađeno na osnovu ISO 558:1980, definicija 2.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)