Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldBasic standards
Technical committeeBAS/TC 55- Social responsibility
Term (EN)stakeholder engagement
Definition (EN)activity undertaken to create opportunities for dialogue between an organization (2.12) and one or more of its stakeholders (2.20), with the aim of providing an informed basis for the organization's decisions
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)uključivanje zainteresiranih strana
Definition (BS)aktivnost koja se preduzima da bi se stvorile mogućnosti za dijalog između organizacije (2.12) i jedne ili više zainteresiranih strana (2.20), u cilju pružanja informacija za donošenje odluka
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS ISO 26000:2014