Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldConstruction
Technical committeeBAS/TC 37- Fire safety in buildings
Term (EN)effective concentration 50 EC50
Definition (EN)concentration (4.52) of a toxic gas (4.336) or fire effluent (4.105), statistically calculated from concentration-response data, that causes a specified effect in 50 % of a population of a given species within a specified exposure time (4.90) and post-exposure time (4.254) cf. IC50 (4.181) NOTE 1 For fire effluent, typical units are grams per cubic metre (g⋅m-3). NOTE 2 For a toxic gas, typical units are microlitres per litre (μL/L) (at T =298 K and P=1 atm); see volume fraction (4.351). NOTE 3 The observed effect is usually a behavioural response, incapacitation (4.194), or death. The EC50 for incapacitation is termed the IC50 (4.181). The EC50 for lethality is termed the LC50 (4.207).
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)efektivna koncentracija 50 EC50
Definition (BS)koncentracija (4.52) toksičnog gasa (4.336) ili produkata požara (4.105), statistički izračunata iz podataka o odgovoru u zavisnosti od koncentracije, koja uzrokuje određeni efekt na 50% populacije zadane vrste u određenom vremenu izlaganja (4.90) i vremenu nakon izlaganja (4.254) up. IC50 (4.181) NAPOMENA 1 Za produkte požara tipične jedinice su grami po kubnom metru (g⋅m-3). NAPOMENA 2 Za toksični gas tipične jedinice su mikrolitri po litru (μL/L) (na T =298 K i P =1 atm); vidjeti zapreminski udio (4.351). NAPOMENA 3 Primijećeni efekt je obično odgovor u ponašanju, onesposobljenost (4.149) ili smrt. EC50 za onesposobljenost se označava kao IC50 (4.181). EC50 za smrtnost se označava LC50 (4.207).
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS EN ISO 13943:2015