Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldMetallic materials
Technical committeeBAS/TC 4- Steel, steel products, non-ferrous metals and alloys
Term (EN)grain size
Definition (EN)Characteristic size of the grain revealed in a metallographic section (see EU 103-71). The nature of the grain should be specified, for example austenitic, ferritic, etc.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)veličina zrna
Definition (BS)Karakteristična veličina zrna, otkrivena na metalografskom presjeku ( vidi EU 103 - 71 ). Treba biti specificirana priroda zrna, naprimjer austenitno, feritno, itd.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS EN 10052:2005