Standardization field | Metallic materials |
Technical committee | BAS/TC 4- Steel, steel products, non-ferrous metals and alloys |
Term (EN) | tempering |
Definition (EN) | HEAT TREATMENT applied to a ferrous product, generally after QUENCH HARDENING, or other heat treatment to bring the properties to the required level. It consists of HEATING to specific temperatures (< Ac1 ) and SOAKING, one or more times followed by COOLING at an appropriate rate.
TEMPERING generally leads to a reduction in hardness but can, in certain cases, cause an increase in hardness.
Term (FR) | |
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Term (BS) | popuštanje |
Definition (BS) | TERMIČKA OBRADA koja se primjenjuje na proizvod od gvožđa i čelika, općenito nakon kaljenja, ili neke druge termičke obrade da se postignu osobine zahtijevanog nivoa. Sastoji se od ZAGRIJAVANJA do specificirane temperature (< Ac1 ) i DRŽANJA, jednom ili više puta nakon čega slijedi HLAÐENJE odgovarajućom brzinom.
POPUŠTANJE općenito vodi ka padu tvrdoće ali može, u određenim slučajevima, uzrokovati porast u tvrdoći.
Term (HR) | |
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Definition (SR) | |
Date | 2016-04-04 |
Standards | BAS EN 10052:2005 |