Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldMetallic materials
Technical committeeBAS/TC 4- Steel, steel products, non-ferrous metals and alloys
Term (EN)continuous-cooling-transformation diagram (CCT diagram)
Definition (EN)Set of curves drawn in a semi-Iogarithmic coordinate system with logarithmic time/temperature coordinates and which define for each COOLING FUNCTION, the temperature at which the austenite begins and ends its transformation. In general a complementary curve joins the points corresponding to the temperatures at which the proportion of phase transformed reaches 50%. Iriformation is also given about the transformation products and their proportions. Finally, the hardness measured after return to ambient temperature is shown for each of the COOLING CURVES. NOTE CCT diagrams may also be obtained for a given cooling period.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)dijagram transformacije pri kontinuiranom hlaðenju ( KH dijagram )
Definition (BS)Set krivih, nacrtan u polulogaritamskom koordinatnom sistemu sa koordinatama logaritam vremena / temperature i koji definiše za svaku FUNKCIJU HLAÐENJA temperaturu na kojoj austenit počinje i završava svoju transformaciju. Općenito, dodatna kriva spaja tačke koje odgovaraju temperaturama na kojima udio transformirane faze doseže 50%. Također daje informaciju o produktima transformacije i njihovim udjelima. Konačno, izmjerena tvrdoća poslije povratka na temperaturu okoline prikazana je za svaku od KRIVIH HLAÐENJA. NAPOMENA CCT dijagrami mogu takođe biti dobiveni za dati period hlađenja.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS EN 10052:2005