BAS CEN ISO/TS 17573-3:2022

Elektronička naplata - Arhitektura sustava za naplatu cestarine za vozila - Dio 3: Rječnik podataka

Opće informacije
Status: Povučen
Broj strana: 48
Jezik: Engleski
Izdanje: 1.
Metoda usvajanja: Proglašavanje
Nadnevak objave: 14.06.2022

This document defines the syntax and semantics in the field of electronic fee collection (EFC). The data types and assignment of vales are provided in accordance with the abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) technique, as specified in ISO/IEC 8824 1. In particular, this document defines: — ASN.1 (data) types within the fields of EFC and road user charging; — ASN.1 (data) types of a more general use that are used more specifically in standards related to EFC. This document does not seek to define ASN.1 (data) types that are primarily related to other fields that operate in conjunction with EFC, such as cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), the financial sector, etc.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
  • CEN ISO/TS 17573-3:2021, identičan
  • ISO/TS 17573-3:2021, identičan

Veza sa BAS standardima