BAS CEN/TS 17184:2021

Inteligentni transportni sustavi - Elektronička sigurnost - Protokoli aplikacija visoke razine (HLAP) elektroničkog poziva koji koriste IMS mreže s komutacijom paketa

Opće informacije
Status: Povučen
Broj strana: 57
Jezik: Engleski
Izdanje: 1.
Metoda usvajanja: Proglašavanje
Nadnevak objave: 25.10.2021

In respect of 112-eCall (pan-European eCall) (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines the high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service via a packet switched wireless communications network using IMS (Internet protocol Multimedia System) and LTE/ 4G/E-UTRAN wireless access. NOTE 1 The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003 or IMS packet switched network) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident. NOTE 2 HLAP requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102, and have been developed in conjunction with the development of this work item, and are consistent in respect of the interface to the PSAP. This document makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
  • CEN/TS 17184:2018, identičan

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