BAS EN ISO/IEC 15408-2:2021

Informacijska tehnologija - Tehnike sigurnosti - Kriteriji za ocjenu sigurnosti IT – Dio 2: Funkcionalne komponente sigurnosti

Opće informacije
Status: Povučen
Broj strana: 221
Jezik: Engleski
Izdanje: 1.
Metoda usvajanja: Proglašavanje
Nadnevak objave: 30.12.2021

ISO/IEC 15408-2:2008 defines the content and presentation of the security functional requirements to be assessed in a security evaluation using ISO/IEC 15408. It contains a comprehensive catalogue of predefined security functional components that will meet most common security needs of the marketplace. These are organized using a hierarchical structure of classes, families and components, and supported by comprehensive user notes. ISO/IEC 15408-2:2008 also provides guidance on the specification of customized security requirements where no suitable predefined security functional components exist.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
  • EN ISO/IEC 15408-2:2020, identičan
  • ISO/IEC 15408-2:2008, identičan