prBAS EN ISO 19152-1:2025

Geographic information - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) - Part 1: Generic conceptual model

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:0
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:24.01.2025
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:30.01.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 1, Informaciona tehnologija
35.240.70, Primjene IT-a u nauci

This document: —     defines a reference Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) covering basic information-related components of land administration/georegulation; —     provides an abstract, conceptual model with packages related to: —     parties (people and organizations), —     basic administrative units, rights, responsibilities and restrictions (RRRs), —     spatial units, —     a generic conceptual model (sources and versioned object); —     provides terminology for land administration/georegulation, based on various national and international systems, that is as simple as possible in order to be useful in practice. The terminology allows a shared description of different formal or informal practices and procedures in various jurisdictions; —     provides a content model independent of encoding, allowing for the support of various encodings; —     provides a basis for national and regional profiles; —     enables the combining of land administration/georegulation information from different sources in a coherent manner. The following are outside the scope of this document: —     interference with (national) land administration/georegulation laws with potentially legal implications due to the possibility of describing different types of systems but in the same notation; —     construction of external databases with party data, address data, land cover data, physical utility network data, archive data and taxation data. However, the LADM provides stereotype classes for these data sets to indicate which data set elements the LADM expects from these external sources, if available. This document provides the concepts and basic structure for standardization in the land administration/georegulation domain. It defines a general schema that permits regulatory information to be described. It also allows for the relationship to multiple parties and groups to be expressed together with a referencing structure so that sourcing of all information systems can be maintained. This document establishes the common elements and basic schema upon which more detailed schema can be established.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
EN ISO 19152-1:2024, identičan
ISO 19152-1:2024, identičan

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