pnBAS EN IEC 62056-6-1:2025

Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS®/COSEM suite - Part 6-1: Object Identification System (OBIS)

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:52
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:10.03.2025
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:16.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 10, Oprema za mjerenje električne energije i upravljanje opterećenjem
17.220, Elektricitet. Magnetizam. Električna i magnetska mjerenja
35.110, Umrežavanje
91.140.50, Sistemi snabdijevanja strujom

This part of IEC 62056 specifies the overall structure of the OBject Identification System (OBIS) and the mapping of all commonly used data items in metering equipment to their identification codes. OBIS provides a unique identifier for all data within the metering equipment, including not only measurement values, but also abstract values used for configuration or obtaining information about the behaviour of the metering equipment. The ID codes defined in this document are used for the identification of: - logical names of the various instances of the ICs, or objects, as defined in IEC 62056-6-2:2021; - data transmitted through communication lines; - data displayed on the metering equipment, see Clause A.2. This document applies to all types of metering equipment, such as fully integrated meters, modular meters, tariff attachments, data concentrators, etc. To cover metering equipment measuring energy types other than electricity, combined metering equipment measuring more than one type of energy or metering equipment with several physical measurement channels, the concepts of medium and channels are introduced. This allows meter data originating from different sources to be identified. While this document fully defines the structure of the identification system for other media, the mapping of non-electrical energy related data items to ID codes is completed separately. NOTE EN 13757-1:2014 defines identifiers for metering equipment other than electricity: heat cost allocators, thermal energy, gas, cold water and hot water.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
EN IEC 62056-6-1:2024, identičan
IEC 62056-6-1:2023, identičan

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