prBAS EN ISO 20342-5:2025
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down - Part 5: Test method for resistance to cleaning and disinfection
Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:12
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Datum realizacije:09.10.2024
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:12.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 25, Zaštita zdravlja
11.180.01, Pomagala za nesposobne i hendikepirane osobe općenito
This document specifies a test method to evaluate the effects of liquid cleaners and disinfectants on the properties of waterproof coated textiles that are used as the protective outer surface of assistive products for tissue integrity (APTIs).
The test method is not applicable to outer surfaces of APTIs that are not sufficiently drapeable.
The test addresses degradation by pure chemical contact time only, it does not address degradation by other factors, such as abrasion.
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EN ISO 20342-5:2024, identičan
ISO 20342-5:2024, identičan
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