BAS IEC 60617-DB:2012
Grafički simboli za dijagrame
Opće informacije
Status: Važeći
Broj strana: 545
Jezik: Engleski
Izdanje: 1.
Metoda usvajanja: Proglašavanje
Nadnevak objave: 20.06.2012
Tehnički komitet:
01.080.10, Simboli za javne obavijesti.;
01.080.30, Grafički simboli za upotrebu u mašinskim i građevinskim crtežima, šemama, planovima, kartama i u odgovarajućoj tehničkoj dokumentaciji o proizvodima;
01.080.40, Grafički simboli za upotrebu u električnim i elektroničkim crtežima, šemama, grafikonima i odgovarajućoj dokumentaciji o tehničkome proizvodu;
31.260, Optoelektronika. Laserska oprema;
29.020, Elektrotehnika općenito
01.080.30, Grafički simboli za upotrebu u mašinskim i građevinskim crtežima, šemama, planovima, kartama i u odgovarajućoj tehničkoj dokumentaciji o proizvodima;
01.080.40, Grafički simboli za upotrebu u električnim i elektroničkim crtežima, šemama, grafikonima i odgovarajućoj dokumentaciji o tehničkome proizvodu;
31.260, Optoelektronika. Laserska oprema;
29.020, Elektrotehnika općenito
IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. Parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617 have been incorporated into a database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. It replaces parts 2 to 13 of the previous published version (edition 2) of IEC 60617.
The following areas are covered in the database: Conductors and connecting devices; Basic passive components; Semiconductors and electron tubes; Production and conversion of electrical energy Switchgear, controlgear and protective devices; Measuring instruments, lamps and signalling devices; Telecommunications transmission, switching and peripheral equipment; Architectural and topographical installation plans and diagrams.
The incorporation of the symbols into the database has been accompanied by the addition of a considerable amount of new metadata not present in the previous publication (symbol name, usage, keywords, remarks, etc.) and links to related symbols and application notes. The database also provides classified views (by shape, function and application) and a search facility. It is therefore a much richer and more user friendly tool for those who need to understand and apply graphical symbols in electrotechnical diagrams. The database also contains regular "snapshots" in pdf format that can be easily downloaded.
The database is maintained by a validation team appointed by the IEC National Members. Requests for modifications and new symbols are processed via change requests addressed to the validation team by IEC National Committees and TCs. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.<br >
Following years subscription CHF 200.-
Životni ciklus
Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
- IEC 60617:2012 DB, identičan
Navedeni standard je dostupan putem online baze IEC-a, u pitanju je serija standarda IEC 60617 od 2 do 13, korisnika ima obavezu da uplati godišnju pretplatu za oline pristup. Cijena godišnje pretplate iznosi 600 CHF (Švajcarskih franaka).
Za više informacija, link: