prBAS EN 17740:2025

Requirements for professional profiles related to personal data processing and protection

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:53
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:24.01.2025
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:30.01.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 1, Informaciona tehnologija
03.100.30, Upravljanje ljudskim resursima
35.030, Sigurnost u informacijskoj tehnologiji

The standard defines the requirements related to the professional activity of subjects active in the processing and protection of personal data, namely the intellectual profession that is pursued at different levels of complexity and in different organizational contexts, both public and private. These requirements are specified, starting from the specific tasks and activities identified, in terms of knowledge, skills and competence, in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework - EQF and are expressed in such a way as to facilitate and contribute to harmonize, as far as possible, evaluation and validation processes of learning outcomes.

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EN 17740:2023, identičan

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