prBAS EN 50728:2025

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Testing for electromagnetic compatibility with track circuits

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:81
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:29.12.2024
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:12.01.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 46, Željeznice
2016/797/EU, Direktiva (EU) 2016/797 Europskog Parlamenta i Vijeća o interoperabilnosti željezničkog sustava u Europskoj uniji (Tekst značajan za EEA)
45.060.10, Vučna vozila
29.280, Oprema za električnu vuču

This document defines the measurement and evaluation methods of rolling stock interference current emissions to demonstrate compatibility with track circuits. This includes rolling stock with or without traction equipment. The established limits for compatibility are defined in ERA/ERTMS/033281, PD CLC/TS 50238-2 or NNTRs as current flowing between the vehicle and the electric traction power supply system that can disturb the track circuit receiver, as part of the track circuit system. Additionally, the referred documents can define a minimum rolling stock impedance in order to guarantee compatibility between the electric traction power supply system and track circuits. This document is relevant to the interference current limits defined in the "frequency management" for track circuits as defined in ERA/ERTMS/033281. It is also applicable to the demonstration of compatibility with all other types of track circuits which have established compatibility according to EN 50617-1. Finally, the methodology defined in this document can also be applied to other track circuit types, including those for which the only requirements are defined in NNTRs. NOTE 1 Interface parameters between rolling stock and track circuits other than interference currents and impedance are out of the scope of this document. NOTE 2 For track circuits prone to wrong side failures additional precautions might be needed to mitigate safety risks. The necessary precautions and safety considerations are outside the scope of this document, but can be found in NNTRs.

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