pnBAS EN 17430:2025

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Hygienic handrub virucidal - Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 2)

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:29
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:04.03.2025
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:13.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 49, Кemijski inžinjering, laboratorijska oprema i kozmetika
11.080.20, Dezinfektanti i antiseptici

This document specifies a test method simulating practical conditions for establishing whether a product for hygienic handrub reduces the release of virus contamination on hands when rubbed onto the artificially contaminated hands of volunteers. NOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the fact that tests on human volunteers are the subject of legal provisions in certain European countries/regions. This document is applicable to products for hygienic handrub for use in areas and situations where disinfection is medically indicated. Such indications occur in patient care, for example: - in hospitals, in community medical facilities and in dental institutions; - in clinics of schools, of kindergartens and of nursing homes; and can occur in the workplace and in the home. It can also include services such as laundries and kitchens supplying products directly for the patient. EN 14885 specifies in detail the relationship of the various tests to one another and to “use recommendations”. NOTE 2 This method corresponds to a phase 2, step 2 test.

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EN 17430:2024, identičan

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