prBAS EN 17817:2025

Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors - Determination of the quantity (declared by mass or volume)

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:20
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:22.11.2024
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:12.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 45, Poljoprivreda
2019/1009, Uredba (EU) 2019/1009 o gnojidbenim proizvodima
65.080, Gnojiva

This document specifies methods for the determination of quantity of the following solid and liquid fertilizing products: organic fertilizers, organo-mineral fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors in packages, containers or in bulk. This document is applicable to fertilizing products blends where organic fertilizers, organo-mineral fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors are the highest % of the blend by mass or volume, or in the case of liquid form by dry mass. If organic fertilizers, organo-mineral fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors are not the highest % of the blend, the European Standard for the highest % of the blend applies. In case a fertilizing product blend is made up of components in equal quantity, the user decides which standard to apply. This document is not applicable to the quantity determination of: growing media, soil improvers and plant biostimulants.

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EN 17817:2023, identičan

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