prBAS EN 17632-2:2025

Building information modelling (BIM) - Semantic modelling and linking (SML) - Part 2: Domain-specific modelling patterns

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:69
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:21.10.2024
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:18.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 21, Beton i proizvodi od betona
91.010.01, Građevinska industrija općenito
35.240.67, IT aplikacije za građevinarstvo

This document (part 2) provides extended standard semantic modelling patterns for (at least) the following domain-specific asset aspects: - support for distinction between two subtypes of physical objects: spatial regions and real ("tangible") objects; the latter being discrete or continuous ("bulk matter"); - support for the materialization of physical objects, adding generic chemistry aspects directly relevant for the built environment dealing with materials like concrete, steel, wood and asphalt; - support for the interaction between objects including connections, interfaces and ports. Interactions being defined as activities where material, information, energy or forces are transferred; - support for the definition of unstructured, human-interpretable, requirements, coming from appointing party needs, laws and regulations or sector recommendations; - support for implicit groups having no explicit members (to model situations like "all main girders of some steel bridge"); - support for the explicit modelling of measurements reusing the existing W3C SOSA ontology (as a lightweight but self-contained SSN core ontology); - support for spatial geometry (location/shape) reusing OGC GeoSPARQL (GML/WKT) and the WGS84_pos ontology (GPS).

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EN 17632-2:2024, identičan

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