prBAS EN ISO 21388-2:2025

Acoustics - Hearing Aid Fitting Management - Part 2: Tele-services as part of hearing aid fitting management (tHAFM) (ISO 21388-2:2024)

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:10
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:14.10.2024
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:30.11.2024
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 36, Arhitektonske konstrukcije, tehnika i organizacija građenja i fizika zgrade
11.180.15, Pomagala za gluhe i osobe sa oštećenim sluhom
17.140.01, Akusticka mjerenja i smanjenje buke općenito
11.020.10, Usluge zdravstvene zaštite općenito

This document is a supplement to ISO 21388 which applies to hearing aid fitting management (HAFM) services offered by hearing aid professionals (HAP). It focusses on tele-services which can substitute, or complement services defined in ISO 21388, and it defines services which is provided in the facilities of the HAP. Moreover, this document specifies important preconditions such as education, facilities and systems that are required to ensure proper tele-services. If not other stated all definitions and requirements of ISO 21388 also apply for this document without further notice. Furthermore, it is tried to keep the structure of ISO 21388 to make it easier to use both standards together. It is recognized that certain populations with hearing loss such as children, persons with other disabilities or persons with implantable devices can require services outside the scope of this document. Assisted tele-services provided by non-hearing aid professionals, self-fitting, and other non-hearing care related services are also outside the scope of this document.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
EN ISO 21388-2:2024, identičan
ISO 21388-2:2024, identičan

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