prBAS EN 17871:2025

Грађевинско стакло – Спектрофотометријске карактеристике производа од стакла – Поступак валидације за прорачунски алат

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:12
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:20.11.2024
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:31.01.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 36, Arhitektonske konstrukcije, tehnika i organizacija građenja i fizika zgrade
305/2011, Uredba (EU) 305/2011 o utvrđivanju usklađenih uvjeta za stavljanje na tržište građevnih proizvoda
81.040.20, Građevinskno staklo

This standard provides a procedure to validate a calculation tool of spectrophotometric and thermal characteristics of the glass products following EN 410 or EN 673. It provides also the methodology to correctly use measured data in the calculation tool. The following characteristics are included in the scope of this standard: - light transmittance (tv) - light reflectance - both sides (rv, r'v) - solar direct transmittance (te) - solar direct reflectance – both sides (re, r'e) - total solar energy transmittance (solar factor or g value) (g) - thermal transmittance (U value) in the vertical position The following characteristics are excluded from the scope of this standard: - UV transmittance (tuv) - shading coefficient (SC) - general colour rendering index (Ra) - thermal transmittance (U value) at angles other than vertical

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EN 17871:2024, identičan

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