prBAS ISO 23616:2025
Čišćenje, pregled i popravak lične zaštitne opreme vatrogasaca (PPE)
Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:40
Metoda usvajanja:Korice
Datum realizacije:13.11.2024
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:18.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 14, Lična zaštitna oprema
13.340.10, Zaštitna odjeća
This document provides requirements, guidance and recommendations for the cleaning, inspection, and repair of PPE for use by firefighters.
This document is intended to be used by those responsible for the cleaning, inspections, and repair of firefighters PPE, however, it will also provide vital guidance to those who are responsible for establishing such a program including fire and rescue services.
This document does not cover the following at this time:
a) chemical protective clothing;
b) PPE required for protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials.
The selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for firefighters are covered by ISO/TR 21808.
Životni ciklus
Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
ISO 23616:2024, identičan
Veza sa BAS standardima
Radni materijal
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