prBAS EN ISO 11243:2025

Cycles - Luggage carriers for bicycles - Requirements and test methods

Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:34
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Datum realizacije:20.10.2023
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:02.04.2024
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 35, Cestovna vozila
43.150, Bicikli

This document specifies safety and performance requirements for the design and testing of both non cycle specific luggage carriers intended for mounting (with or without tools) and cycle specific luggage carriers mounted on complete cycles. It applies to luggage carriers intended to be positioned above and adjacent to the wheels of cycles. This document lays down guidelines for instructions on the use and care of such luggage carriers. This document does not apply to removable luggage (for example, handlebar bags or baskets that are not permanently attached). Toy carrier intended to be mounted on bicycles for young children in the scope of ISO 8098 are not covered by this document.

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EN ISO 11243:2023, identičan
ISO 11243:2023, identičan

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