nsBAS EN ISO 17616:2024

Kvalitet tla — Smjernice za izbor i procjenu bioloških testova za ekotoksikološku karakterizaciju tla i materijala tla

Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:15
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Datum realizacije:17.05.2024
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:17.07.2024
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 7, Okolina
13.080.05, Ispitivanje tla općenito

This document is one of the family of standards (ISO 15799, ISO 19204) providing guidance on the characterization of soils and soil materials in relation to their retention and habitat functions and uses. It is appropriate to use it in conjunction with the two other standards in this family. It provides guidance on the choice and evaluation of tests applied for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials. Recommendations for test strategies with respect to the protection of ground and surface waters and the maintenance of the habitat function of soil are included. The tests recommended represent a minimum test battery that can be complemented by additional tests, or even be replaced by others, according to the intended uses or protection goals envisaged. The effect values indicated in this document do not refer to regulation but represent the lowest level at which an adverse effect is considered likely to occur.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
EN ISO 17616:2022, identičan
ISO 17616:2019, identičan

Veza sa BAS standardima

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