prBAS IEC 62862-5-2:2025
Solar thermal electric plants - Part 5-2: Systems and components - General requirements and test methods for large-size linear Fresnel collectors
Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:37
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Datum realizacije:17.12.2024
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:23.12.2024
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 56, Konvencionalni i alternativni izvori električne energije
27.160, Sunčeva energija
IEC 62862-5-2:2022 specifies the requirements and the test methods for the characterization of a large-size linear Fresnel collector.<br />
This document covers the determination of optical and thermal performance of linear Fresnel collectors, and the tracking accuracy of the collector one-axis tracking system. This test method is for outdoor testing only.<br />
This document applies to linear Fresnel collectors according to Annex A equipped with the manufacturer-supplied sun tracking mechanism.<br />
This document applies to the whole collector field in-situ or as a minimum unit to be tested to an individual collector string (loop) connected to the main piping (flow, return flow) to and from a heat sink, covering the full temperature range of the field.
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IEC 62862-5-2:2022, identičan
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