prBAS CEN/TR 18047:2025
Mehanički proizvodi — Red veličina ključnih podataka o okolišu
Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:193
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Datum realizacije:15.11.2024
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:19.03.2025
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 7, Okolina
13.020.10, Okolinsko upravljanje
This document provides general environmental data relevant for mechanical products. It can apply to all parts of a mechanical product.
The aim is to provide design offices in companies guidance values allowing them to:
- guide design (or redesign) choices for their products (e.g.: to compare technical solutions) by providing a complementary environmental criterion in a multicriteria approach;
- improve the knowledge on products with the environmental perspective (simplified environmental performance assessment).
These data concern the most relevant items for the mechanical field: material, processes, energy, transportation and end of life of products. They provide an order of magnitude of impacts and cannot be considered as absolute values because many parameters can influence the obtained results (geographical and technical perimeters, use scenarios, hypothesis and method of calculation, etc.).
They are not aimed to replace specific data obtained or used by companies in the framework of individual projects.
They are not aimed to be used as such for:
- quantification of environmental impacts within a life cycle analysis (LCA) according to EN ISO 14040/EN ISO 14044,
- environmental communication as defined in EN ISO 14025 (Type III environmental declaration),
- evidence of regulatory compliance.
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CEN/TR 18047:2024, identičan
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