prBAS EN ISO 18246:2025
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles - Safety requirements for conductive connection to an external electric power supply
Opšte informacije
Broj stranica:41
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Datum realizacije:20.10.2023
Predviđeni datum naredne faze:02.04.2024
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 35, Cestovna vozila
43.140, Motocikli i mopedi
This document specifies safety requirements for conductive connection of electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles (referred to as the EVs) to external electric circuits.
NOTE 1 External electric circuits include external electric power supplies and external electric loads.
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel.
It applies only to on-board charging systems between the plug or vehicle inlet and RESS circuits.
NOTE 2 The requirements when not connected to external electric circuits are specified in the ISO 13063 series.
Requirements for bidirectional energy transfer DC to AC are under consideration and are not part of this document.
NOTE 3 The safety requirements for DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on electrical separation are specified in IEC 61851-25.
NOTE 4 The safety requirements for DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on double or reinforced insulation are specified in IEC TS 61851-3-1 and IEC TS 61851-3-2.
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EN ISO 18246:2023, identičan
ISO 18246:2023, identičan
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